Sri Krishna Janmastami Celebrations

Sri Krishna Janamasthami is the one of the biggest festival of the ISKCON and Nilachal Vedic Village. Janmashtami is the day when Lord Krishna appeared on this planet to annihilate the demons and protects his devotees. Sri Sri Jagannath Baldev Subhadra and Sri Sri Radha Banavihari temple was decorated beautifully with marigold flower, banana leaves, coconut leaves, Ashoka leaves and colourful night lights. Day was started with mangal arati followed by the darashan arati, two hours Harinaam Sankirtan, Krishna Kathaat noon, Kalash Abhishek with ecstatic kirtan whole evening. Janmashtami Mahabhishek was done 12am midnight followed by sumptuous Krishna Prasad. Almost 1500 people come to take the Darshan and blessings of Lord Sri Krishna. Whole day Prasadam was served to those who visited farm.

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